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Piston ring in the group Engine parts / Piston rings at  Professional Parts Sweden AB (21435152)
Piston ring

Piston ring

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Cyl. Ø: 8300
Size: 120 150 250
Dim: STD

- S/V40: B4184S B4204S T Cyl: 4 1995-99
- S/V70: B5234T2 Cyl: 5
- 850: B5254T Cyl: 5 1996-02
- C/S/V70: 2.4 turbo Cyl: 5 -2002
Model: 850: B5254T, Cyl: 5 1996-02 , C/S/V70: 2.4 turbo, Cyl: 5 -2002 , S/V40: B4184S, B4204S T, Cyl: 4 1995-99 , S/V70: B5234T2, Cyl: 5
Oil: 0
Original number: 274428 , 30731512