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K2 Lotar 1L in the group Car Care & Chemicals / K2 / Interior Car Cleaners & Care Products at  Professional Parts Sweden AB (M880)
K2 Lotar 1L

K2 Lotar 1L

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Low foaming product for cleaning car upholstery, carpets, velvet-type fabric, alcantara. LOTAR is suitable for washing machines which first imposed and then suck the liquid. Removes both dried and greasy dirt. The product has excellent mixability with water. Does not leave traces and stains, even on the black, the most stubborn cleaning upholstery and restores their natural color. Has a pleasant fragrance. Completely neutralizes odours. Concentration / in case of using devices for cleaning carpets product should be diluted with water according to the following dilution ratios:
• 1:10 - 1:20 for car upholstery
• 1:25 - 1:50 for weekly carpet cleaning
• 1:10 - 1:25 for periodical carpet cleaning
• 1:3 - 1:10 for cleaning of extremely dirty or greasy fabrics